Regionalism vrs Regionalization breakdown
1.)In order for public water systems to have the capacity to operate in accordance with state and federal regulations, affordable funding and technical assistance needs to be properly implemented as already established by state and federal law.
2.)The agencies that have been Entrusted by the people to implement the laws as they were originally intended has been convoluted with policies(clean water revolving fund being made available to bigger cities when the funding source “Clean Water Act “ states funding is intended for small communities with low populations) that further cause heavy burdens upon public water systems who strive to comply but with continuing failing policies it is extremely difficult for many community public water systems with volunteer board members to succeed in providing safe clean affordable water.
3.) Wasted tax payers money in the amounts of hundreds of millions of dollars in over paid invoices that is caused in part by over 54% vacancy in Environmental Protection Agency. management nation wide. New Mexico Environmental Protection Agency runs at a 30% vacancy and has only 4 engineers in the construction bureau program overseeing 500 projects state wide today and as of last month one of the 4 managers from the construction bureau program quit and went to work for the City of Albquerque. Retention is an issue within the EPA . Proper retention investments are needed to be directed to the professionals that are required to manage the EPA programs instead of losing hundreds of millions of dollars to overpaid invoices due to lack of oversight caused by lack of management. These investments would be a great solution to the problems New Mexico faces today .
5.). After decades of failing policies and choices made by th EPA (only .02% of the $336 million was chosen by nmed to be spent on administering the funds and for decades aging infrastructure improvement projects funded without legislative support of state and federal matching funds) and the many millions of dollars wasted on over paid invoices as many failed attempts made to bring small community public water systems back into compliance but due to affordable funding and lack of oversight (due to management retention issues) and continued o policies that fail to serve as originally intended, the EPA’s best solution offered for 2021 is Regionalization.
6.) The EPA as of August 2021 offers failing communities in a time of economic hardship opportunities to give up their assets, property and water rights through a regionalization program in exchange for affordable funding and technical assistance. Community sovereignty shouldn’t be the price the American people should be forced or compelled to surrender for the failures of the Government Agencies choices and elected officials' failed policies.
7.) Picking winners and losers should not come at the price of losing our independence in Giving up our liberties by surrendering our communities ownership of assets and losing our voices by reducing the number of elected officials in that of one of every five current elected board members will have the capacity to serve as an elected official in communities that choose to regionalize.
8.) The latest efforts by the EPA cannot be allowed to be the end solution or considered to be the best option to meet the needs and best interests of the people. Especially when the 50 year plan includes retrofitting every home to be a 13 gallons a day per home. These policies will only continue to further burden the people and continue to cause further harm and neglect to the very people they have been hired to serve